Monday, October 1, 2012

Welcoming October

Almost a decade ago, I stumbled upon the website. Before Bob Ong or Eros Atalia or Lourd de Veyra, some of the country's most promising young writers were being featured on that website. After a couple of years of frequenting the site, I finally got my article published. I still remember how I rushed to Aya's office, showed her the published page (without telling her I wrote it), and halfway through reading the short piece, she was crying her eyes out ("This is me, this story is about me, about us," she mumbled like a blubbering fool.)

That article opened many doors for me, and eventually got published in Lunduyan ng Sining's Literary and Art Folio "What These Hands Can Do."

But more importantly, that article led me to the website's Girl-to-Girl thread. That thread and the wonderful wonderful individuals I met through it is so much a part of what I am now. Many years and many more kilograms later, friendships remain strong and steadfast. I think that other than February (when I met the group for the first time), October is the most special month for the group because of the birthdays, anniversaries, and (araguy.) breakups celebrated during this month.

For that, I am dedicating the entries that I will be posting this month to our small but awesome group. I hope that you enjoy our little stories and watch out for us in a prayer meeting nearest you. :)

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